Featured Products
It’s all about living a healthy and fresh life for modern families.

Healthy & Tastes Good
Shouldn't all things that are good for you taste like this?!? Kids actually enjoy getting their herbs.

Living the Sweet Life
Real sugar is a building block of life in plants, animals and humans. Sure- eliminate the fake sugar... but not the real.

Ohio Grown
We grow what we can here on the farm and sustainably source what we can't. Call us crazy, but we want to know that we are selling you the best.

Eat Real Food
We believe in feeding ourselves and our families real food. Imitation food leads to sickness, while real food leads to health.
Sugar is life. Your body needs sugar, if it's done right.
Dawn Combs
Founder Soda Farm
All I can say is YUMMY! The Orange Cocktail Syrup is so good with Tonic water.
Wendy K.
Amazing pizza and service. We really enjoyed ourselves and plan to go back.
Linda B.
Great ingredients makes for a great Root Beer syrup! I enjoyed everything about it. Tasty and gives me the ability to dilute to keep sugar levels lower.
Dean D.
I was trying to figure out a marinade for my London Broil. This was my first time making. Combined the Buckeye Fire with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and marinated the tenderized and scored 2 lb London Broil for about 24 hours. Broiled for 7 minutes each side. Perfectly medium rare. Deliscious
Barbara H.