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New Website Brings Some Changes

New Website Brings Some Changes

 It’s been a solid year of change and challenge….
If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I was charged with “mitigation” in the spring by a governmental task force. My crime was sharing common sense information on how to navigate a virus so that it didn’t need to turn into the worst-case-scenario. I “fraudulently” suggested to people that they needed to move their bodies, get plenty of fluids and sit in a steamy room to prevent congestion from turning into pneumonia or a hospital trip.
My family was threatened with the seizure or freezing of our assets, and has continued to receive demands from various members of the task force. All our active domains, the servers they sat on, our email addresses and our farm IP address were blacklisted on the internet and our payment processor was instructed to refuse us service.
Pshew- that all seems like a lot of dark, sad, evil nightmare stuff…..
While this life on the narrow road is promised to be difficult… it does not lead to death, but to life! 
Trials like this make us stronger, encourage us to put down things that are no longer serving us… and every single time we’ve experienced something like this in the past, we wound up seeing every bad day and terrifying moment as an incredible blessing (I feel this same way about my journey through, and eventual triumph over, infertility!)!
Big Changes This Week
Yesterday, our old website- Soda Pharm… which was originally Mockingbird… was removed from the internet. It was almost 20 years of building, history and connection… We handed it to those that sought to destroy us and have allowed them to declare victory over the wreckage.
Our social media handles have changed-
Facebook is now Soda Farm (@SodaFarm4U)
Instagram is now Soda Farm (@SodaFarm4U)
We are currently building a channel on Rumble and adding a presence on Parler.
But ALSO yesterday, a new website- was born!!


We love the new site and are so excited for the possibilities of this new space- We know you’re going to love it too!
***Because of all that was done to our old website by outside parties- there will be NO redirect from the old platform to the new. It is imperative that you update your information for the new website- change shortcuts or favorites, etc. Those addresses no longer go anywhere.

Here are a few of the POSITIVES of this new space:

  1. We have a brand new Proactive Health Club membership space, for those who join us on that level, that is beautiful and very easy to navigate!
  2. We migrated to a better newsletter provider- so you’ll ACTUALLY GET our emails!!!
  3. We are now a Private Membership Association (PMA). This means our products, my research and teaching are now in the private sector- no longer under the auspices, intrusion or threat of any of the alphabet-soup quasi-governmental organizations. This is why you see the new “gate-keeper” box before you enter the website.
  4. You will see changes in the blog- all of my plant and health research is now hidden and searchable inside the Proactive Health Club. I really hate to do this one- as I believe the information should be accessible to all- but this is safest for my family and it guarantees that I can share every last bit of information I can find with my members without any filters or interference.
  5. We have a brand new product website- which sells ONLY yummy drinks and farm food (but really you will find everything you’ve ever bought on the website).
    1. Looking for tinctures or bitters?- They're called extracts or bitters underneath the menu item "Farm Food"
    2. Hot Drinks- lists our powdered blends to mix in honey (now called Honey Latte Blendables), our loose leaf teas and our Honey Latte mixes (Golden Milk Latte, Aztec Latte, etc.)
    3. Cold Drinks- lists all our drink syrups
  6. The blog will feature research on healthy sugar and ingredients.

What is Different About the New Website?
*Well… it’s less cluttered, easier to use and has a lot of upgrades in how you order from us… Our farm store hours and location are much easier to find!!!
*You may notice we’ve changed the name of almost all the original drink syrups. The point of the new website is to share yummy drinks- there are no supplements in sight (but we promise it's all still there under it's new role as a food item)… so we changed all the names of our syrups to the flavor you may have ordered them as in our farm shop. We will publish a catalog with all the old information soon (what is meant to use for what issue)
Here is a map of names:
Allergency --> Nettle Green
Ache Ease --> Indian Spice
Focus --> Lemony Green
Heartful --> Red Cherry Spice
Revive --> Cinnamon Apple
Sleep Well --> Passionflower Hops
Tummy Love --> Pie Spice
Well Fast --> Earthy Elderberry
Well Fast AI --> Earth Elderberry AI
*You can still order from anywhere in the country and have things shipped!
*You can still order and select LOCAL PICK UP!!
My family would love to say a huge thank you to all of you who have stood by us in this transition. Thank you for your patience when our messages weren’t very clear… or simply didn’t get delivered!!
Thank you for your patience when we were slow mailing orders….

Thank you for your patience with learning new names for your favorite products.. and the hassle of constant change (if you are every lost or looking for something you can't see- please just call or drop us a note!)
Thank you for supporting us in a time that felt oppressive and evil- for all the prayers you sent up- for all the in-person visits and phone calls.
We are rising like a phoenix out of the ashes because of the humbling support of this community… and we are going to be so much more than we ever could have been before!
Dawn, Carson, Aidan and Jacy

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  • As it says in Romans, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” It doesn’t say all GOOD things, but that God works in all things for our good. We’re glad you have kept true to your/His purpose!

    Laura Beemer
  • Keep up the good fight!

    Laura Lawrence
  • Excited for this new, free, you/us. And, thanks in advance, for holding my hand as I learn these new things and ways (not that I was ever successful w. your old site anyway…)

    Jen Cook

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